Don't be someone else.
A lot of people have started to say “Become yourself” and “Be you”. Which is nice in essence but most of us do not know how to go about doing it. We already thought we were being ourselves! We already believed that we were us. So what’s with all these people telling us to be who we are? The reason people tell you that is simple: Right now you are trying too hard to be someone you’re not. How many times a day do you lie to people you care about? How often do you not say what you want to say? How frequently do you stop yourself from acting a certain way? And how much do you try to be someone better and greater than you currently are? All of these are signs that you are not being yourself, that you are trying too hard to be someone else. When you are truly yourself you will have no need to lie. You will be able to say what you want, and you will do not have to stop yourself from acting a certain way. Becoming better or greater can still be part of yo...