
Showing posts from September 17, 2016

MMM Financial Freedom.

This is a sponsored post. Nigerian government encourages her citizens to play pool, Gambling, casino,  lottery and even sports betting.  Why? They know it will lead to more poverty since the government benefited by way of collecting taxes from the operators of this so called registered companies owned by them and their cronies. How much are the elites stealing now? Billions of naira & dollars of citizens taxes. Go to pool & betting shops or stands all over Nigeria, the majority queuing to playing and throwing away their hard earned monies are strugglers and the poor. MMM has opened my eyes to financial secrecy. MMM is an ideology and movement that can not be wished away or imprisoned by any agency or government of any nations. 1989 till date the ideology & movement is alive. Shine your eyes my friends. I am angry that the hard working citizens of all nations are the poor and strugglers including NIGERIANS. You may not like my post,  but Hard Truth mus...

Why do people Lie,exactly?

Most everybody, at one time or another, has lied.  Tell the truth now: that includes you and me. In fact, some people, sad to say, lie almost all the time. Psychologists call these people compulsive or psychopathic liars. They tell lies even when they don’t have to. Even the youngest of children will lie, especially if they think by doing it they won’t get punished for something. When children first learn how lying works, they lack the moral understanding of when to refrain from doing it. While everybody lies, few understand how destructive it can be, why we do it, or how to stop it. So let’s answer the question, “Why do people lie?” Let’s start with a quick self-evaluation: * How many lies do you think you have told this last week? * Who did you tell the lies to? * Why did you tell the lies? * How do you feel about the lies you told now? Because lying can have such destructive and harmful consequences to both the liar and the one being lied to, I’ve written a  series of...

Life changing Steps for the Cheater.

So you messed up. You cheated. Now what? Well there are a lot of directions you could go from here. For example, you could wallow in your own guilt and shame, or, the opposite, you could blame everyone else for your actions. You could give up on the relationship and run or you could attempt to restore what’s been broken. There are many scenarios…some better than others, so here are some things to consider as you look to the future. 5 Ways to Approach the person you cheated on and your relationship: You don’t have to assume the relationship is over.  If you decide to immediately run from the relationship, you are avoiding taking any responsibility. It’s really a cop out. Maybe the relationship won’t last, but it very well could. And it might even end up stronger on the other side, if you are BOTH willing to work at it. Acknowledge you messed up and seek forgiveness.  You have created a problem in the relationship. You have broken trust and caused another person to perhaps ...

Getting Over Heart break.

A lot of people read my blogs, not because I’m such a great blogger, but because the topic touches right where we live. Just about everyone reaches out to be loved,  but love is full of risks . To love is to be vulnerable and therefore easily hurt by the people we love the  most. God designed us to love, for He is love Himself. Not to love causes a certain death deep inside of us. I received a comment this week from an anonymous person. He said,  I have a better piece of advice: Don’t ever fall in love in the first place. Just don’t do it. It always leads to heartbreak and it’s never worth it. If you never let yourself fall in love with anyone, then you will never have to worry about getting over a broken heart. It’s as simple as that.�  I disagree with Anonymous. To really live is to really die. Being hurt is not the worst thing that will ever happen to us.  Not to love is far worse . Being hurt is not the worst thing ...