The Enugu State Police Command, yesterday, confirmed they arrested an 18-year-old girl, Okike Ezinne from Isu Mbaneze in Ohaozara Local Government Area of Ebonyi State for allegedly selling her one year and six months old baby. The teenage mother sold her baby identified as little Chisom Raphael for N300,000. According the spokesman of the police in Enugu State, SP Ebere Amaraizu, Ezinne blamed her bosom friend for tricking her into selling off her baby. Amaraizu disclosed in the statement that the girl had the baby out of wedlock and decided to keep it but was reportedly tricked to sell off the baby by her friend, one Promise Godwin, a 20-year old single mother. He said that the suspect narrated that when things were no longer going smoothly for her at home, her bosom friend identified as one Promise Godwin, also from Isu Mbaneze Ohazara Local Government Area of Ebonyi State approached her to come to Enugu with the child with a promise that somebody was going to take care of Ezin...