Anita Okoye, who is Paul PSquare Okoye's wife, revealed on her IG page how unfulfilled she was at her 9-5 job and knew what she had to do to make her life happier and better. Read her write up after the cut.. C H A N G E S This quote resonates with me because, at the beginning of 2016, I found myself unfulfilled in my 9-5. Life was a bit robotic, mundane, I felt limited. I never knew I would be an entrepreneur, but I knew I didn't want to be sitting behind a desk all day. The creative in me wanted some shine and I had to answer. Quitting my job, was a huge risk, financially and psychologically. I swapped my high heels & Blazers for sneakers and hard hats. I have no regrets, no looking back. I've been taking it one day at a time, it's not been easy, but I'm nearly ready to reveal my new projects. 😊