A wise man once said that the future only belongs to those who have the ability to foresee it and sacrifice the pleasures of the present in order to gain it. As I read through a financial report that Apple (Company) has entered the trillion dollars realm, I was curious to know more about the company. In my search, I stumbled into a pathetic story concerning one of the co-founders of Apple by name, Ronald Wayne. This man co-founded Apple Computers (now Apple Inc.) with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. He drew the first Apple logo, drafted the first original agreement between the founders and wrote the first manual for their first computer. He held a 10% share in the company but soon decided to relinquish it for $800 and was given additional $1500 to forfeit all right of ownership two weeks after the company was officially registered in 1976. His reason for that decision was that the company was financially demanding. Today, if Ronald Wayne had kept his 10% share, he would have been worth ...