No one can deny that introverts and extroverts are two very different types of people. Extroverts are favored in today’s society. Many people think that extroversion is normal, while introversion is abnormal. Introverts are typically ridiculed and often misunderstood by extroverts. Susan Cain, TED talk speaker and author of The New York Times bestseller, Quiet , has grown global awareness about the issues faced by introverts, and has discussed the reasons why they are often misunderstood. Moreover, a new study has found that introverts have a more accurate perception of the social world than extroverts do. This study is strongly based on the friendship paradox. What Is The Friendship Paradox? In 1991, SUNY’s Scott Feld observed a phenomenon that led him to the theory that most people have fewer friends than their friends have on average. The sociologist explained that due to this, it makes sense that people might interpret themselves...