Depression: What we Don't Like Talking About.
I have been worried since yesterday about the man who jumped into the lagoon We all heard of the man who asked his driver to pull over on the Mainland bridge in Lagos and jumped. You may have seen pictures of his SUV too. The man is dead. According to Lagos State CP, he is survived by, at least, his mother. Two things struck me right away. 1. If he had a driver, he was not a wretched man. 2. If he had a mother, he was not an old man. Yet, he was sufficiently troubled by something or some things enough to drive him over the edge. DEPRESSION It is real. Pay attention to your friends and family members. Research has it that most of those who commit suicide gave hints. People around them just didn't notice. Has anybody ever said something like: "Ile aye su mi jare" (I am sick and tired of everything) and you dismissed it? Have you been close to someone who all of a sudden started withdrawing from people, brooding for long, started giving away things they treasured, s...