While the bathroom and kitchen may be the most "dangerous" rooms in the house in terms of physical injury, most of our emotional injuries happen in the bedroom. When your partner rebuffs your advances; avoids your attempts at intimacy; turns away when you try to kiss him or her; is reluctant to have date nights; goes to bed significantly before or after you do; falls asleep on the couch or in the kids’ room; drinks too much during a romantic dinner and crawls into bed without you; or claims exhaustion when you’re finally alone, or on a vacation—you are going to feel rejected and it's going to hurt. One reason even small rejections sting is that our brain is wired to respond to rejection similarly to the way it responds to physical pain. Rejections from your partner have an even greater impact as they come from the person who knows you best, who sees you most fully (or is supposed to), and who is supposed to love you for who you truly are. Therefor...