Excessive Attention Seeking and Drama Addiction.
Some behavioral problems seem to plague compulsive overeaters and substance abusers more than other groups. Excess attention seeking appears to be one of them. All humans require attention. Without getting and giving attention, you could not have a social species. Getting attention is necessary for life’s vital enterprises and can be the difference between life and death in a crisis. Therefore, not getting adequate attention can threaten the quality and sustainability of life. [1] Thus, getting functional social attention is understandable. However, extreme attention seekers go to unhealthy lengths that are driven by emotional desperation.[2] Excessive attention seeking is not a character flaw. It is a brain wiring response to early developmental trauma caused by neglect.[3] The developing brain observes its environment and wires itself accordingly to survive in that world that it presumes will be like those experiences.[4] Newborns are extremely dependen...