
Showing posts from January 30, 2017


Most times when we walk into big malls,boutiques,supermarkets, we never question their prices. We pay exactly what we see on the price tags and even hand out tips to the staff. But the moment we are out of these shops and want to buy banana,our bargaining game gets off to the roof. Poor widow with12 hungry children at home tells you banana the is #100. She even takes out her time to explain how difficult it was for her to even buy it. How the economy so tough. But we insist that if it's not #50, we are not paying. Some of us even step back into our cars and make to drive away.   But, because 'half bread is better chin chin', this woman is forced to call you back and sell to you at little or no gain. In her heart,she cries,she's worried about how she'll survive with her children. She silently reassures herself that 'It's well. God will definitely provide.'' While you happily chop the luscious banana. Take some seconds out and think about this,...

Betrayals that Ruin Relationship (That aren't lnfidelity).

Infidelity is the betrayal our society focuses on, but it is actually the subtle, unnoticed betrayals that truly ruin relationships. When partners do not choose each other day after day, trust and commitment erode away. Partners may be aware of this disloyalty to each other, but dismiss it because it’s “not as bad as an affair.” This is false. Anything that violates a committed relationship’s contract of mutual trust, respect, and protection can be disastrous. Betrayals are founded on two building blocks: deception (not revealing your true needs to avoid conflict) and a yearning for emotional connection from outside the relationship. Below are three betrayals that ruin relationships. Only by confronting and taking responsibility for them can couples reestablish their trust in each other. Emotional Cheating It’s very easy for platonic friends to bond in the trenches of work, day after day. Sometimes we call this person a “work wife” or ...

Tips for Your Hair...

Healthy tip 4 the day: wet your hair, squeeze some Lime juice on your scalp,leave for 2mins or before it starts to hurt.wash hair with warm water... Do this at least once a week for 1month to kiss goodbye to dandruff.. Tried& tested❤💝 HEALTHY HAIR: on a daily basis, give your scalp a massage with coconut oil or Shea butter or avocado oil.. Massaging increases blood flow to your follicles thereby increasing hair growth.. These oils moisturize and are rich with hair minerals that improve texture and growth of hair😘


This thread has been on my mind for weeks. I've been thinking how to go about it. I've written it in my mind weeks ago, but somehow I've been reluctant to transmit what's on the head into reality. It was simply lying there. This evening, the desire and determination seem greater. Hence these words.  Sometimes the fear of failure- maybe the thought that people won't accept and deem it necessary to follow the thread- played no little role in keeping me from starting this thread. I simply paid more attention to the fear of failure than the good this thread could bring to people, even if it's just one person. That fear kept me in a state of inertia. But I've been restless over this issue. I've consulted with a few persons and all of them seem to believe I should give it a go. I just felt pressed to start it.  I've scanned through, and I'm yet to see a thread dedicated to personal development, self growth and motivation. I'll be happy to fill that...