This thread has been on my mind for weeks. I've been thinking how to go about it. I've written it in my mind weeks ago, but somehow I've been reluctant to transmit what's on the head into reality. It was simply lying there.

This evening, the desire and determination seem greater. Hence these words. 

Sometimes the fear of failure- maybe the thought that people won't accept and deem it necessary to follow the thread- played no little role in keeping me from starting this thread. I simply paid more attention to the fear of failure than the good this thread could bring to people, even if it's just one person. That fear kept me in a state of inertia. But I've been restless over this issue. I've consulted with a few persons and all of them seem to believe I should give it a go. I just felt pressed to start it. 

I've scanned through, and I'm yet to see a thread dedicated to personal development, self growth and motivation. I'll be happy to fill that void. 

Away from the rumbles of politics, romance and other critical sections, we need to have a place we can quietly come in to read a quote, a talk, a short motivational speech, etc. We need a place we can actually pay more attention to OURSELVES. We hardly pay adequate attention to ourselves; we are more encumbered by what's happening in the lives of politicians and celebrities that we hardly have enough time for our own personal development and improvement. 

This is the way it will work: you can drop a wise quote, either from your own mind or from others( ensure to source them), and then we discuss and deliberate on it. It could be a story. In fact, you can drop and share the chapters or sections from an entire novel or other material. 

It's my deepest wish that we make this place a serene and mature corner. It's my hope that many shall be blessed and uplifted by the words that shall cover this place. And it's my desire that this thread shall be responsible for the happiness, development, and success of many. 

Let me leave you with this: You weren't born to be mere statistic. You weren't born to just roam upon the Earth. You weren't born to just eat, sleep, and die. But you were born to fulfill a PURPOSE. You were born to meet a HUMAN NEED. You were born to fulfill a DESTINY. You were born to be a solution to the world's problems. You were born to be a blessing to generations! 

So feel free to come around and share that inspiring quotes or stories of yours. You never could tell how many lives will be positively impacted by them. If our lives aren't impacting others positively, then we need to do a sincere and thorough self-assessment with a view to sorting out the situation. We must be useful!

''The two most important days in a man's life are the day he was born, and the day he discovered why''


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