How to Deal with an Ex who is Trying to Make You Jealous...
I would never judge someone for wanting to give their ex a healthy little dose of regret . I mean, that's basically what breakovers and super-hot dates to a mutual friend's wedding were invented for. But there's a difference between hoping to run into your ex looking your very best and watching him eat his heart out, and actively reaching out to your ex to repeatedly say "HA! Look how I've moved on!" Instead of inspiring jealousy, that move is more likely to inspire a) pity and b) a restraining order. Case in point, a reader who wrote in with this question about her ex-boyfriend: "What should you do when an ex is intentionally making you jealous? Mine continues to email, Facebook, or text out of the blue just to say hurtful things or tell me about new girls he's dating." Here's my five-step plan for dealing with this. I hope that only step one is necessary, but you never know. Step One: Ignore. Don't respond to any of his me...