How to Control Stuttering
How to Control Stuttering Most people have experienced dread of public speaking, or severe anxiety before an interview. While stuttering and stammering is a physical speech impediment, one of its major effects is to cause this fear in everyday conversation, and this fear in turn makes the stutter worse. While there is no way to cure a stutter completely, breaking this cycle of anxiety and stress can reduce the severity of the stutter and minimize its effect on your life. Method One of Three: Reducing Anxiety over Stuttering. 1.Understand how stuttering works . When a person stutters, the stuttering may completely block his speech, cause him to repeat sounds, or cause him to "stick" on one sound for too long. During a block, the vocal chords push together with great force, and the person is unable to speak until the tension is released. Becoming comfortable with the stutter and practicing the following techniques will make this tension less severe. While there is no cure...