How to Control Stuttering

How to Control Stuttering
Most people have experienced dread of public speaking, or severe anxiety before an interview. While stuttering and stammering is a physical speech impediment, one of its major effects is to cause this fear in everyday conversation, and this fear in turn makes the stutter worse. While there is no way to cure a stutter completely, breaking this cycle of anxiety and stress can reduce the severity of the stutter and minimize its effect on your life.

Method One of Three:
Reducing Anxiety over Stuttering.

1.Understand how stuttering works.
When a person stutters, the stuttering may completely block his speech, cause him to repeat sounds, or cause him to "stick" on one sound for too long. During a block, the vocal chords push together with great force, and the person is unable to speak until the tension is released. Becoming comfortable with the stutter and practicing the following techniques will make this tension less severe.
While there is no cure for stuttering, these techniques will help you reduce it to manageable levels until it is a much smaller obstacle. People with stutters have won awards in such speech-reliant fields as sports commentary, TV journalism, acting, and singing.

2 Step outside of your shame. 
Stuttering has nothing to do with lower intelligence, personal mistakes, or bad parenting.[2] It does not mean that you are an especially nervous or anxious person, just that you are exposed to stuttering situations that could make anyone nervous.[3] Realize that your stutter has nothing to do with who you are as a person. It's normal to feel ashamed, but understanding that there's no rational reason behind it may help you feel shame less often and less.

3. Practice speaking in front of supportive people.
Most likely your friends and family know you stutter, so there's no reason to feel anxiety about "revealing" your stutter to them. Be open about the fact that you'd like to practice your speaking, and read aloud to them or make an effort to join a conversation. This is a good step to take, and one that supportive friends should support if you let them know what you're doing.

4. Stop avoiding speaking situations. 
Many people who stutter try to hide the fact, either by avoiding certain sounds, or by avoiding stressful speaking situations entirely. You don't need to go out of your way to speak around bullies, but try not to hold back or switch to safer words when talking to friends, supportive family members, and strangers. The more conversations you hold while stuttering, the more you'll realize that it doesn't hold you back or bother other people nearly as much as you may think.

5. Address the behavior of people who tease you. 
Bullies are one thing; they are trying to get you irritated or upset, and it's best to ignore them or report their behavior to people in authority. Friends, on the other hand, are supposed to support each other. If a friend teases you about your stutter in a way that makes you anxious, let her know it bothers you. Remind her if she slips back into old habits, and warn her that you may need to spend less time together if she continues to cause suffering.

6.Join a support group for people who stutter. 
Search online for a stuttering support group in your area, or join an online forum. As with many challenges, stuttering can be easier to deal with if you have a group of people who share their experiences. These are also excellent places to find more recommendations about managing your stutter or reducing your fear of stuttering.
National stuttering associations exist in the United States, India, the United Kingdom, and many other nations.

7. Don't feel the need to cure your stutter completely. 
A stutter rarely goes away entirely, but that doesn't mean you've failed to control it. Once you're functioning with minimal anxiety in speaking situations, there's no need to panic when your stutter briefly becomes more severe. Reducing your anxiety will help you live with a stutter and minimize the amount of stress it causes.
Have a great Day..


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