People can be very creative.. .
CAN YOU IMAGINE THIS - PEOPLE CAN BE CREATIVE. CHECK OUT THIS WRITE UP! I went to Genesis school through Exodus road. On the way, I saw Leviticus recording the Numbers of people at Deuteronomy, while Joshua was waiting at the Beautiful gate for Judges, he saw Ruth calling loudly "Samuel, Samuel". At the same time, the first and second Kings of Chronicles were coming to visit Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther for the misfortune of Job their brother. They started singing Psalms and teaching children Proverbs concerning the people of Ecclesiates and also taught the children how to sing Songs of Solomon. This coincided with the period that Isaiah was engaged in Jeremiah's Lamentations together with Ezekiel and Daniel their friends. By that time, Amos and Obadiah were not around. Three days later, Hosea, Joel and Jonah travelled in the same ship with Micah and Nahum to Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Habakkuk had visited Zephaniah who introduced him to Haggai a friend of Zechariah whose cousin...