
Showing posts from October 22, 2016

4 People you must Forgive to Move Forward.

This is a sponsored post... There are four people you need to forgive if you are serious about changing your life and learning how to live in the now. The first are your parents, living or dead. You must absolutely forgive them for every mistake they ever made in bringing you up. At the very least, you should be grateful to them for giving you life. They got you here. If you are happy to be alive, you can forgive them for everything else. Never complain about them again. Many of my seminar participants have phoned or visited their parents and told them that they forgive them for everything. Often this simple act of courage and character has had a profound effect on their relationship with their mother or father. From that day onward, they have become good friends, which lasted the rest of their lives together. On the other hand, by not forgiving your parents, you remain forever a child. You block your own chance to grow up and become a fully functioning adult. You continue to see y...

Outgrowing your Friends..

Are you discovering that you don’t like your friends anymore, or that something doesn’t feel right ? If you’re into personal growth, you will at some point outgrow some or all of your friends. This is especially true with childhood friends. The sooner you can accept it, the easier it’ll be. Your friends may object and ask you why you’re abandoning them, or not hanging out with them, but there’s not much you can do.  The signs are obvious . Your friends create their own reality, and if they  choose to create  the feeling of abandonment, it is up to them. It’s not a lot of fun, but they will get over it. It can get lonely while you’re transitioning from one group of friends to another. You’ll wish that you could go back to the way things were. Friendship is like that. Everything seems so much easier when you selectively pick out memories from the past. You might even try to go back for a while, but it won...

Dealing with Rejection it Doesn't Mean You are Not good Enough.

“The best way out is always through” ~Robert Frost I was trembling as I hung up the phone. He’d dumped me. It was as if, while I was watching a murder mystery at the edge of my seat, the electricity had gone out. Poof! I wasn’t going to get to see the end of the movie, and I had no control over when the lights would come back on. I felt the fangs of rejection sink into my heart like a merciless tarantula. My mind, which is normally going 500 miles an hour, came to a halt. Suddenly I felt nothing. Frozen. I had no thoughts. Total shock. The poison of the rejection spider slowly oozed into my bloodstream, paralyzing me in my seat. “Get up! Get up now!” I heard the voice in my mind say. For some reason, it seemed as if moving could unfreeze my emotions. I did get up, but stood there as if I was listening to the strange noises coming from the kitchen in the middle of the night. Waiting for someone to tell me that I was “punked” and that ...

Change your Life by Changing the Story you tell...

I used to watch people on the streets and in restaurants and think that their boisterous conversations and broad smiles were evidence that they lived a life much better than mine. I assumed that they were happier than me, smarter than me, and worth more than me. All around me was evidence that this was true: my meager bank account, my junky car, my thrift store clothes. I would sit in my apartment and try to imagine what it would be like to be someone else. I wondered what it would be like to be someone who could afford to go to the movies and go out to eat, someone who bought new clothes and shoes, or someone who had a good job. Even imagining this seemed too hard. I felt as if life was stacked against me. Have you ever felt like everyone else was doing better than you? Have you ever felt like the deck was so stacked against you that you would never catch up? I understand that feeling. I had it for much of my adult life. I was always a dreamer with big ideas and ridiculous plans...