Has one hillarious response.
When Her Husband Attempts To Test Her Love, This Wife Has One Hilarious Response Marriage is not always the easiest, and it often requires a lot of work. Growing up, my mom would make sure I knew that marriage was about compromise, kindness, and keeping a good sense of humor about things. I couldn’t agree more. Even in tough times, keeping things light and funny can be the key to making it out in one piece. So when I saw this hilarious story about a man who tests his wife and the strength of their marriage, I knew I had to share it. This particular story has been circulating the internet for years . In it, a husband is worried about his marriage, so he decides to test his wife. He pretends that he is leaving for good, but instead hides under the bed to witness her reaction. When I read what the wife did upon arriving home, I absolutely laughed out loud. Did you think the surprise twist ending was as hilarious as I did? Let us know in the comments. P...