36 year old Onyekachi Anele pictured above, has been arrested by the Imo state police command for allegedly slapping his wife, 32 year old Chikodi, to her death at their home in Obibiezena in Owerri North Local Government Area on June 1st. According to The Sun, the late woman who had three children, two with Anele and one before they met, on the day of the incident, accosted Anele as he returned from a vigil at his church and asked why he hadn't given his stepson N100 to school. An angry Anele gave his wife a slap and she retaliated. Surprised by her reaction, Anele gave her another slap which caused her to faint. He rushed her to the hospital where she was confirmed dead. Narrating what happened, Anele said “I got married to my late wife Chikodi Anele over four years ago. She had a son for another man before we got married. We have been living together in peace. We have two children. Our first child, a girl, is four years old while the second child is a boy, who ...