Lets Talk About Depression....
A lot of our friends, family , suffer from depression, yes they do😢😢
A friend said that when he is depressed, he lacks sex drive, he never gets an erection no matter what his wife does...
Another friend said he bought a car & while others were rejoicing, he felt completely empty and sad.
And you may wonder how, why? Come, lets talk about depression & how we can help depressed persons...
Definition of depression : Depression is the feeling of severe despondency and dejection.
Symptoms: change in sleep patterns, appetite, & weight, feeling of despair, hopelessness, sadness, worthlessness, suicidal thoughts ecetra ecetra.
Major Causes: Stress, Abuse, certain medications, Genetics, Death or loss of loved one, major events.
Safety Tips: Keep contact information of people you can call, when you feel down. Learn to confide in someone,friend/family that you can trust.
Engage in moderate healthy eating habit, have sufficient sleep, excersise regularly.
Keep a journal/diary of positive thoughts, experiences youve enjoyed.
Place Mementos around you, to remind you of loved ones.
Listen to your favorite songs, listen to inspirational sayings/articles.
And most importantly get a list of comforting words from the bible...eg Psalms 34:18, 57:17, 94:19, and Phillippians 4:6,7. And dont ever hesistate to pray, pray and pray some more.. yes Jehovah listens and He cares deeply & unhypocritically..
Ways to help depressed persons: LISTEN, LISTEN AND LISTEN SOME MORE to them,
Take seriously any comments on suicide.
Get professional help please. Stick to the doctors prescription
Have an open door communication habit
Most importantly reassure such depressed ones of Your Love, because most times they feel worthless.
Hey if you suffer from depression or you know someone who does, please hit my inbox, there's a community(group) he or she could be added & get the needed help.
Depression aint a disease, but it kills faster than most diseases.. yes depression is real and some people dont know they suffer from it.
Help someone today...