
Showing posts from September 6, 2016

How to Walk the Walk..

This is a sponsored post. These are very good recommendations for a man’s role in moving around in public with a beloved lady. As mentioned, a man should walk on the side of greatest risk of harm or unpleasantness, protecting the lady with his body as needed. A Gentleman should always open the car door for a woman, holding her hand if needed for balance, as she sits. The reverse is also important, that the man should exit the vehicle, open the woman’s door and offer her a hand to step up as she desires. In my dealings with ladies/women, a chivalrous attitude and action has brought the greatest positive response. Keeping her from harm by walking on the street-side to protect her from muddy splashes and rogue drivers with your own body, ‘handing’ her into and out of a car as you two move about the world are all ways to build a shell of protection by you so she feels safe when she is with you. You may need to steer her away from the curb as you walk, you may n...

The Etiquettes.....

Great Honore de Balzac in one of his novels, depicts depreciation made by a wealthy flamboyant young man and his fancy horse. With his color, figure and attitude, the horse was so provocative that even the man’s girl thought that the horse was an attack on a good taste. Today we rarely see a horse on the street, but this introduction is not about horses but the point is that we should not attract attention of others neither with attitude, nor with clothes or appearance. This should be the first and foremost rule when walking down the street in order to avoid the staring looks. Although today in the modern world we try to break the rules of the ordinary, sometimes it is nice to follow the rules. Manners and etiquette are having it’s revival, believe it or not. In this article we will bring you several nice rules on how to walk the street when in the company of someone, being it a woman or a man. Some of the rules mentioned below are self-explanatory but we should menti...

You Deserve perfect skin.

Every lady wants to stay young and beautiful her whole life! That is why women have always looked for ways to make their skin radiant, smooth, and beautiful. Getting flawless skin is not about changing your complexion or using expensive toners but it is simply getting flawless skin, free of blemishes, dark patches or acne!                                                                                         Achieving that perfect skin is no longer rocket science when nature has already supplied licorice extract! Licorice extract contains gl...