How to Walk the Walk..

This is a sponsored post. These are very good recommendations for a man’s role in moving around in public with a beloved lady. As mentioned, a man should walk on the side of greatest risk of harm or unpleasantness, protecting the lady with his body as needed. A Gentleman should always open the car door for a woman, holding her hand if needed for balance, as she sits. The reverse is also important, that the man should exit the vehicle, open the woman’s door and offer her a hand to step up as she desires. In my dealings with ladies/women, a chivalrous attitude and action has brought the greatest positive response. Keeping her from harm by walking on the street-side to protect her from muddy splashes and rogue drivers with your own body, ‘handing’ her into and out of a car as you two move about the world are all ways to build a shell of protection by you so she feels safe when she is with you. You may need to steer her away from the curb as you walk, you may n...