FACE MAPPING: WHAT YOUR BREAKOUT IS TRYING TO TELL YOU Does your skin breakout in the same part of your face time and time again? According to the ancient Chinese tradition of face mapping, where you experience skin problems is directly linked to your inner health. So that pesky spot that keeps reappearing on your chin could indicate that your kidneys in fact needs a helping-hand – here’s what it all means. FOREHEAD Face mapping enthusiasts believe that the forehead reflects the health of your nervous and digestive systems. Breakouts across your forehead typically indicate stress, so try to indulge in some relaxing practices like yoga or meditation. And to aid with digestion drink your daily dose of water and add more whole grains, fruit and vegetables to your diet. BETWEEN YOUR EYEBROWS If you’re experiencing problem skin in the middle of your forehead, between your eyebrows, there may be an imbalance in your kidneys, stomach or liver. Cut down on drinking alcohol...