In a world where it seems like there is never enough time, it’s tempting to relegate things like self-observation to the back burner. After all, when there’s so much to be done, who has time for contemplation? Well, if you’re serious about doing something truly significant with your life, then I’d argue that you do. Need a push in the right direction? Pick up a copy of Real Power: Stages of Personal Power in Organizations by Janet Hagberg (Sheffield, 2002; one that I’ve recommended to hundreds of my friends, colleagues,because it lays out such a compelling explanation of how people get stuck in positions of powerlessness and dissatisfaction, and how they can start moving toward more rewarding and evolved modes of empowerment. Stage 1: Powerlessness — This is where we begin life as infants, and unfortunately, it’s also where a lot of us remain. Having no power of our own, we depend on others for what we ne...