Need a mint? Everyone knows the ramifications of having bad breath or extremely stinky armpits. No more friends. No more business deals. No more clients. No more girlfriend/boyfriend. What you need is a confidant to tell you that you really need to check your phermones with a doctor because that smell is not attracting anyone.
Breath Check
A quick way to tell is to blow into your cupped hands or lick the back of your hand and smell it during a one to two minute period. If you’re into torture, scrape the back of your tongue and let it simmer to the available oxygen. After, have a person whom you dislike smell it.
Armpit Check
Apply nose under arm. Sniff. Confirm by wiping and smelling, maybe even licking (if you are one of those people who needs a triple check confirmation).
As a doctor, I’m here to tell you that bad breath/stinky armpits start from your mouth and addressing it may even lead to looking into the other end as well. Everything in between is definitely a factor in curing “the stink”. Quite simply, bad smell comes from bad bacteria that has developed from improper flora (homeostasis of good and bad bacteria). Since most articles relate to addressing bad breath using good hygiene, I will put a naturopathic spin to it. Some of these clues are for sufferers who have tried everything else.
1. Teeth Infection: Make sure there are no underlying infections in your teeth. Many of the non-dependent oxygen species of bacteria create these fouls smells in your mouth, and they may be hiding in root canal infections or other teeth infections. Try using some essential oils/herbal anti-bacterial mouthwashes.
2. Water: You’re dehydrated and probably not hydrating properly. In fact, the bacteria in your mouth enjoy that you provide the perfect environment for them, humid and damp. Try using acidic (2.5 pH) water to gurgle in your mouth (use rarely as it may damage your teeth enamel) reaching the recesses of your mouth cavity. Rinse with neutral water immediately. Since acidic pH water has proven to kill an array of bacteria, this technique may destroy those nasty bacteria. Follow it by drinking lots of alkaline (8.5 pH) water on a routine basis. This will not only hydrate your cells, but also increase salivation in your mouth to flush bacteria out. Incidently, rinsing your pipes out with water helps to clean toxins and keep things at bay. Another reason why your armpits stink – too many built up toxins in your lymphatic system.
3. Detox: As for any skin or gut condition, we use the four Rs. Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, and Repair. Depending on your individual constitution and condition, this varies in recommendation. After using certain detox remedies, your armpits may be clean for months at a time not requiring deodorant. Dietary factors will affect how fast you’ll smell again.
Just remember, approach the smelliness like the stinky toilet bowl that’s waiting to be cleaned. Call for a maid...........................

To be continued......


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