Let loose those Emotions and feel free.

Talking about your emotions is not the only way to face them and be free. People find other, more private ways to do the same.

Last Sunday we talked about the ability to manage excessive and negative emotions, helping steer them into a desirable, positive direction. But there are people who have the opposite problem! Far from displaying excessive emotion, they are unable to express at all!

If display of excessive emotion is a baggage, bottling up your emotions within is a quietly ticking time bomb! It is easy to spy the difference between people who express emotions naturally and those who keep them in strict check. While the former are easy-going and happier with a fluidness of movement, the latter are most likely the serious-looking ones, with rigid body language.

Those who laugh out loud in happiness and give vent to tears and sobs in grief are able to sort through and resolve their emotions faster. This is especially so in the case of grief or pain. They go through the cycle of emotional resolution quicker by emoting, talking about it, seeking help and actively dealing with the problem. But a person who refuses to face the emotion – anger, grief, pain, or depression — by accepting that he is affected is unable to resolve his feelings and so suffers much longer and deeper.

Typically women find it easier to express emotions. Historically and socially, they are allowed to display weakness, while the same is a no-no for men. Men feel responsible and do not allow themselves to indulge their feelings. They would rather be out there solving problems than sitting around resolving inner conflicts. However there are always exceptions to the rule.

People hold back emotions for a number of reasons. Some refuse to display any sign of weakness as they feel it leaves them open to attack. Others store up emotions as a sign of diffidence, either because they have low self-worth or love being martyrs. Some others use their withheld emotions to be used to blame others — they expect others to guess how they are feeling and help them out anyway. Yet others may be scared of disapproval or rejection for signs of emotional weakness.

Whatever the reason, the result of holding onto unresolved emotions is almost always an emotional outburst at some point. Those who hold onto feelings are more prone to angry outbursts. They avoid dealing with matters head-on, preferring to avoid problems. Dissatisfied with their own selves, they are also likely to be more critical of others. When we do not express to loved ones what makes us happy or sad, we are unable to help the relationship grow in a desired, satisfying direction. Unless you express to a friend or loved one your extreme irritation with something they do, where is the scope for resolution? Unresolved emotions and dissatisfying relationships further lead to anxiety and depression.

It is important to let extreme emotion play itself out by sharing your feelings and seeking cures and ways to ease the pain. This is possible in many ways; talking to another is not the only solution. An equally effective way to give vent to your emotions is to write them down. Maintaining a personal diary could be a big help in facing your feelings, sorting them and then letting go, slipping through like sand from a tightly closed fist. Yoga helps us resolve our emotions too. Pranayama is all about achieving a balance and can help sort out and deal with emotions. People also find emotional resolution through exercise or other art forms.

When disturbed by an emotion, take a pause. Consider how you are feeling. Why does the emotion frighten or threaten you? Does it make you feel vulnerable? Vulnerability is human and isn’t necessarily a weakness. From that vulnerability can rise great strength. Do not avoid it; instead indulge in your emotional vulnerability, feel it and then calm down and tell yourself you are ok. You will taste a unique form of freedom.

Have a great Day.


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