Difference between Love and Obsesion.

Welllove and obsession are related in some aspects but can never be thought to be the same. It's like the difference between fresh and processed orange juice. Both are orange juice, but one is healthy while the other is very unhealthy. Same with love and obsession. The former is a beautiful feeling that's based on care, compassion, support, admiration, etc...while the latter is a crazy feeling that's harmful and selfish.
There are some points which can easily differentiate both feelings well…
When you love someone, you want the best for them whether they're a part of your life or not. When you are obsessed with someone you want them to be by your side all day. You want them to be yours regardless of how they'd feel about it.
Love is when you give space to the other. Love is freedom. An obsessed person will make you feel trapped and suffocated with his/her constant calls/questions/doubts...You will never be able to satisfy their needs or breathe some air without being questioned.
An obsessive person will try to sabotage your social life because they're jealous and controlling. He/she wants to have you for them only.
An obsessive person can never trust you. A true loving relationship is based on trust. An obsessive person will always want to know every detail about the other person, while a true loving person will give you space because they know you, trust you and want you to be happy.
Love is when you want the other person to be happy. Obsession is when you want the other person to be happy ONLY with you.
Obsessive people are dependent. If they breakup, they could threaten with suicide or seek revenge because their lives is dependent on the other person. You are not allowed to be happy with someone else.
Love is when you are happy on your own, but have chosen to share your happiness with someone else. Obsession is when your happiness depends on others.
Obsessive people may have their lives wrapped up in the other person, so they may lose focus at work or lose their friendships or perform poorly in different areas in their lives while feeding on the other person's life.
Love is when you take care of the other person's needs, whereas an obsessed person gives more importance to his/her needs


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