Living a Life of Deception...
1. Cause others to have to choose whether to tell a lie just to spare your feelings.
2. Convincing yourself that the truth doesn’t matter if it is about something unimportant.
3. As long as no one gets hurt, it doesn’t matter if I tell the truth.
4. Claim your own selfish desires are someone else’s faults (e.g., “Your roommate said this would be okay to do.”).
5. Put a "spin" on the actions or words of others to make yourself appear to be a victim.
6. Pay insincere compliments in order to appear friendly.
7. Withhold critical information in order to appear more desirable.
8. Say something other than the truth to avoid an unpleasant situation.
9. Make up excuses in place of the real reason for your personal failures.
10. Purposely use unverifiable "facts" or "sources", because they are impossible to verify.
11. Blame your negative behavior on others ("I was following orders.", "Everyone does it."), on genetics ("I'm Irish.", "It was my mother's fault."), on environment ("Where I come from . . ."), on conspiracies (the mysterious "They"), or on the paranormal ("The devil made me do it.", "It was aliens.")
12. Tell yourself or others that some lying is necessary in order to compete equally with others.
13. Provide something other than was stated or promised, for selfish purposes (cheaper product, different medications).
14. State something other than the absolute truth in order to feel better about yourself or in order to avoid rejection by others.
15. Gossip destructively about others while using the excuses of "need to know", "concern", or "you might want to pray for them."
16. Qualify the statements of others to avoid facing the truth.
17. Feel that it is okay to lie to those who have lied, or whom you believe have lied to you.
18. Lie when you think the stakes are high enough to justify it.
19. Tell yourself or others that your lie was an exception which will not be repeated, and should therefore be overlooked.
20. Tell yourself that lying is okay as long as you don't get caught.
21. Feel that lying is justified against those who have wronged you, or whom you imagine to have wronged you.
22. Lie while telling yourself that your motives are "pure."
23. Make up something rather than admit that you have no answers.
24. Lie or distort the facts simply in order to annoy someone.
25. Lie to win an argument, to prove yourself right, or to prove someone else wrong.
26. Redefine personal events or personal history to support your current position on a matter.
27. Feel that you cannot live without lying (Lying addiction.)
28. Use body language, or facial expressions, or gestures to mislead your audience.
29. When caught, pretend that the lie was "a joke", that you were "just joking."
30. Believe that we should "lie for the greater good."
31. Deceive by being vague, or confusing.
32. Express concern or empathy when you really don't care.
33. Withhold information concerning a death or illness, "for (someone's) own good.”
34. Lie by relating a false memory.
35. Claim an inability (to do something) when the truth is you don't want to do it.
36. Lie by minimization of your problem or your contribution to a problem.
37. Pretend to be sick, or to actually make yourself sick to avoid a task or situation.
38. Say one thing to a person's face and something different behind their back.
39. Exaggerate events or enhance information as you pass it on to others.
40. Make any statement in place of admitting, "I made a mistake."
41. Grudgingly give a token gift out of a feeling of debt or in the hope of getting something of value in return.
42. Ignore critical facts and admit to or claim only those facts which allow you to "rise above" the situation and above the others involved.
43. Claim the good advice or good ideas of others as your own.
44. Blame all your failures on others.
45. Fail to keep promises.
46. Claim noble motives for ignoble actions (Claiming "concern" while "snooping" or "personal interest" while "being nosy").
47. Feign pain or suffering in order to obtain sympathy or to coerce others to do something for you.
48. Make threats you do not intend to carry out.
49. Pretend to be ignorant of events or persons when you have full knowledge.
50. Lie if you think telling the truth will cost you more money.
51. Keep telling yourself that you will change or eliminate a bad habit "eventually."
52. Justify your lying with references to accounts in the Bible.
53. Justify your lying by referencing "church" opinions.