People leave. And everyone knows that in some or the other way. Some probably learn it the hard way, and for some it comes easy – but it’s never easy to accept one thing: People Leave. Unfortunate, yes. Inevitable, kind of, but easy? Nope. Harsh reality. I could say that some people stay but I’ve never seen it. For ‘stay’, is a very long word. It is pretty funny how ironic the sentence is. I wonder how everyone else deals with it, and I wonder why over the period it gets like a ritual. You grow up; you tend to lose a lot of people around you. At first you may not notice, but over the time you see yourself surrounded by barely two or three friends over time. It’s sad, and really upsetting how easily people walk away from you.
In the past one year, I saw it coming. I wouldn’t lie, I could see it. It was right there – and maybe I thought I was doing a lot to avoid it but I couldn’t. Maybe my message wasn’t clear, maybe it got lost in the incommunicative lifestyle we eventually got ourselves into. Didn’t mean I didn’t think about you. Didn’t mean I never felt guilty I couldn’t give you enough time. It was sad because you did mean a lot to me, and my fault was that I didn’t show it. The look on your face, the subtle, but sarcastic remarks you’d make did cut my conscience into a tiny little pieces – but something wasn’t right. Something just didn’t happen. You were my friend, and despite whatever you say or whatever you think – you meant a lot to me. I can’t say the same now but yes, I can reassure you that there was not once in the entire timeframe of my life where I didn’t think of you in what I did. So that night when I was sitting in the dark crying bitterly and trying to analyze where I went wrong – I decided one thing: Life goes on.
The solution to people leaving is that life goes on. You are going to eventually move on, whether right now you wish to believe it or not… you will. It may seem hopeless, with nobody to turn to, but you have yourself. You will always have you. And as long as you don’t let go of that one feeling which is hope, you will never falter. In the past one year I had a lot of people surrounding me, a lot who claimed to love me, a lot who were always ready to hear me out – but when I look back to see how many are waiting, there are hardly any. Pushing people away is wrong, but sometimes it’s all you can do.

It’s embarrassing how I wrote so much about him, but I’m afraid. I’m afraid he too will walk out on me, like others. I am afraid that he’ll probably not remember the endless walks and iced-teas at 8 pm after a few years. I’m really, really afraid. Maybe I should just tell him all this, but he’s going to give me a nasty look and shake his head partially hinting that I’m demented and partially expressing the only emotion he’s good at expressing: Exasperation.
It all comes down to a warning note for any person in my life:
dDlasherryvis is emotionally needy, and it will kill you soon. But don’t you give up on me! I’m not that bad. I can’t show my insecurities but I won’t treat you liketrash. I have never wanted to, and I will not. I don’t want you to cross bridges and get me rainbows. I don’t want you to go out of the way and show me how much you love me. I only want you to assure me you’re there, because maybe that’s enough for me. If you walk away, I will survive – because I always have. But why not prove me wrong?
Either ways, I’ll miss you for a long, long time to come. Know that.