Every woman wants the perfect glowing skin. Taking care of the skin is very essential because it is what gives the first impression. As we all know, first impression is very important and long lasting. You don’t have to be a celebrity or extremely rich to have a glowing skin. You can do this in the comfort of your home.
1. Exfoliate
One of the most essential ways of making the skin glow is exfoliation. Exfoliation removes all the dead cells on the body. When your skin is well exfoliated, it gives room for a lighter and softer skin giving your body a radiant glow. As a believer in natural products, examples of recommended products to exfoliate are home-made remedies like the sugar scrub and salt scrub. It might be hard to believe, but as much as a lot of sugar is not good for the health, it is definitely good for the skin. As a matter of fact, the skin loves it.chinny face 2
2. Bat balanced diet
Whatever you eat reflects on your skin. If you do not eat right, your skin will not look right. Avoid deep fried foods and junk and stick to your fruits, green vegetables and most importantly, a balanced diet. Most people hate these vegetables especially children, but they are your body’s best friend.
3. Drink lots of water
Drinking water helps flush out the toxins in the body system. A well hydrated skin makes a big difference.
4. Wear your sunscreen
Sunscreen is another effective way for a glowing skin. It helps protect the skin from sunburns and UV rays which are harmful to the skin. There are also body creams that contain SPF which you can always look out for. You could find sunscreen creams from any supermarket in your area.
5. Wash your face before bedtime
Always wash your face before calling it a night. Even if there is no make-up on your face, germs from the events of the day would clog the skin. Leaving your make-up on your face overnight causes clogging of pores, excessive dryness and skin dandruff. No girl wants that on her skin.
6. Make sure you wash your make-up brushes
Ladies should be familiar with our make-up brushes. Our brushes accumulate dirt which are harmful to the skin. To clean the brushes, mix a few drops of facial cleanser and shampoo in lukewarm water, and gently wiggle the brushes around, rinse with lukewarm water and leave to dry.
7. Do not underestimate the use of honey
Did you know our skin loves sugar? This is one of the best ways to keep your skin glowing. Honey is a natural bacteria fighter. It unclogs the skin pores leaving the skin radiant and beautiful.
All these are tips and tricks to having a beautifully radiant skin. Try them religiously and you would be shocked at the results.

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