All Favourite Beauty Tips.

Image via Wikipedia

Drink lots and lots and lots of water. Water is, usually, free. And it does this whole detoxifying and rehydrating thing that just makes your skin glow from inside out, something all those $437 creams can’t.

Black eyeliner and clear lip-gloss are so in! Don’t ask me how or why but I think they give you a timeless exotic-ness. So go easy on the rest of the makeup, keep it simple.

Exfoliate your face once or twice a week. Any good scrub will do,  just make sure you read the label to confirm you don’t react to any of the ingredients (I react to alcohol, for instance). If you aren’t sure, why not go natural? Mix a little oatmeal (a tablespoon) with hot water to form a paste, add a dollop of honey, spread on your face and massage in for  about a minute. Voila! Clear skin.

Lose the expensive facial washes. Mild soap works best for your face. I recommend baby soap, or Dove or Ose Dudu (black, native soap).Avoid using your body towel on your face. I don’t understand the philosophy behind this, all I know is my acne reduced drastically once I got a dedicated face towel.

Eat healthy as much as you can. I love fried plantain, but hate my spots. Guess what I hardly eat anymore?!Don’t pick your zits. Apply a little shea/cocoa butter on them when they appear till they completely heal over. That way, you avoid those awful scars.

Follow relaxer/conditioner directions faithfully. To Hades with what the salon girl says, she won’t be there when your hair falls out!Wash your hair at least once a fortnight, steam your hair at least once a month. This automatically means you really shouldn’t keep your weaves for 6 weeks. And you can steam your hair at home; one egg yolk, a spoon of honey and two spoons of olive oil makes a cheap, hair-steam application. Wash your hair, apply the mix, slip on a shower cap and rinse out an hour later.Smile. Like you mean it.

So which is your favourite? Which doesn’t belong on the list? And which suggestions have I missed...

Credits/writer osemhen....


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