1. Baldness and Hair Loss 2. Beard Growth 3. Bee and Wasp Sting Boil the seeds in water and apply to the stings. 4. Cancer and Tumors Crush fresh cloves of garlic and mix with honey and black seed or its oil. Take a teaspoon three times a day. 5. Cardiovascular Mix half a teaspoon of the oil with warm water and drink before breakfast. 6. Radiant Skin and Face 7. Chest Congestion Take one teaspoon twice a day. If you mix it with honey, it works wonders. 8. Cough Mix an equal amount of the oil with raw honey. Take a teaspoon of the mixture twice a day. 9. Diabetes 10. Diarrhea Put one teaspoon of the oil in one cup of yogurt and drink twice a day. If you add honey, it will add to the taste to make it yummy and heal you faster. 11. Earache 12. Eye Disease and Vision Carrots are known for making the eye sight better. Mix half a teaspoon of oil with one cup of carrot and drink. 13. Flue and Cold 14. Facial Paralysis Boil the water and add one teaspoon of oil and inhale the fumes. 15. Nasal Congestion Place only 3 drops in each nostril to ease the congestion 16. Gallstones 17. Liver Stones Same as above. 18. Gas and Flatulence Mix honey and black seed in equal amount and take first thing in the morning. 19. Hemorrhoids Mix honey, black seed and oil in equal amount and drink. You can also apply the paste to the itching area. 20. Premature Gray Hair Mix an equal amount of olive and black seed oil and massage in to the scalp. Wash with warm water after an hour. 21. Headaches and Migraines 22. High Blood Pressure 23. Hypertension Take half a teaspoon in warm water and drink. 24. Boosting Immunity Take one teaspoon of the oil twice a day for general well being. 25. Breast Feeding and Lactation Mix honey and the oil in equal amount. Take one teaspoon every day. 26. Boosting Memory Take a half teaspoon of the oil with half a teaspoon of raw honey. Take twice a day. 27. Moles Make a paste of honey and black seed oil and apply to moles. 28. Mosquitoes 29. Mouth Infection Take half a teaspoon and swish around in your mouth for 5 minutes. 30. Gingivitis Do the same procedure as above. 31. Nose and Throat Conditions Make a mixture of the oil with lemon juice and honey. Take twice a day. 32. Back Pain Rub the oil on the back before going to bed. Eat honey and black seed or its oil. 33. Muscular Pain Apply the oil to the area where there is pain and massage gently for a few minutes. 34. Rheumatic Pains Mix black seed and honey and eat daily in small amount. Rub the oil on the aching areas gently. 35. Stomach Pain 36. Tooth Ache 37. Gum infection Take some oil and rub them on the gums gently all rounds. Repeat twice a day. 38. Weight Loss 39. Asthma Take one teaspoon mixed with one teaspoon of honey. 40. Eczema 41. Bladder infection One teaspoon of black seed or its oil with raw or manuka honey twice a day. 42. Infections 43. Sore Throat Mix one teaspoon with fresh lemon juice and honey. Take twice a day. 44. Cold and Flue Take one teaspoon of oil before break fast. 45. Nasal Congestion Put 3 drops in each nostril. 46. Chest congestion 47. Hemorrhoids 48. Gas and flatulence 49. Toothache 50. Insomnia Credit:Lorddubic


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