Face your fear and Conquer them.
Don’t live a fearful life. Fear is crippling. It’ll make you an invisible nonentity if you allow it to rule your life. Fear will stop you from living your best life; from dominating your world and making a ding in the universe.
Fear is a very terrible spirit. It has ruined many lives and killed many dreams.
Fear is what makes people settle for a life that’s below their full potential; it restricts the development and expression of the human spirit. It’s what makes people remain in jobs that are not allowing them to flourish, stay in abusive relationships and accept oppression, suppression and any form of slavery as a way of life. Fear makes people go after shadows, instead of the real thing. Have you ever wondered why people stick to projects, businesses or ideas that aren’t working, things that’re bound to fail? It’s because they’re afraid of being ridiculed, of being labelled “a failure.” But, the truth is, no one is a failure until he/she settles for an average life. There are too many average people out there.
Average means you’re hiding. It means you’re postponing what should be done today till God knows when, forgetting that—in life— everything is seasonal. It means you’re running from the change necessary for growth. It means you’ve stopped solving interesting problems, the problems you’re born to solve. It means you’re not fulfilling your potentials. Average is not God’s dream for your life. Refuse to be average.
To conquer your fears, you must face them; you must do the things you greatly dread. Unlike fear, faith—our faith—is the conquering power that brings the world to its knees. Feed your faith, not your fears.