Can you Truly Guarantee your safety Today?

Safe. Secure. Protected.

These words evoke images in our minds.

For me, I unconsciously see the picture of perfect rest and can feel the comfort such as is gotten by a baby cuddled in the warmth of his mother’s arms. Maybe it’s because I’m a mom. Lol.

In today’s world, these words seem to exist only in abstract.

There is no guaranteed sense of safety or security for anyone anywhere in the world.

Recently, the calmness of the French night was shattered by the news of multiple terro attacks.  It wasn’t any different in Lebanon where at least 41 people were killed. After that,  there was news of another bomb blast in Northern Nigeria killing dozens.

It’s one tragedy after the other.

From floods to earthquakes, wars and random shootings in schools and public places.

It makes you wonder, how safe really are we?


The truth is, we are not.

We are human and are subject to the change of times and seasons. We are fallible, can suffer devastating illnesses and eventually, death.

But that shouldn’t overwhelm you.

An excerpt from a popular hymn reads:

Leaning, leaning 

Safe and secure from all alarms

Leaning, leaning

Leaning on the everlasting arms

The hymn “Leaning on the everlasting arms” was written by Anthony J. Showalter in 1887. He had received letters from two of his former pupils who lost their wives.  In writing letters of consolation to them, he got the inspiration for the hymn.

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.

This is the only way we can guarantee our safety in this world. When we face grief over departed loved ones, are devastated by robbery attacks or fire outbreaks, we can be sure of where our safety lies.

In God.

Not in any Police. Or Military force.  Or in any high mountain or remote monastery to which we can escape from reality.


We have a  Refuge.

The Psalmist says in Psalms 32:7

You are my hiding place; you shall preserve me from trouble;

You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah

We do not have to cringe in fear, or live in dread. What matters is who we lean on.

God is everlasting. He is All-powerful. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah.  The defender of the weak.

In times of crisis or chaos, we tend to feel a sense of security when the police arrive.

This is because we believe and know that they are capable.

How much more should we have rest when we have the Prince of Peace with us.

We have his rock-solid promise in Matthew 28:20b

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

We have Hope.

Our hope in God goes beyond being kept from harm here on earth. We can trust Him also for the safe keeping of our souls in eternity.

Apostle Paul says in 1 Cor 15:19

If in this life only we have Hope in Christ, 

We are of all men most miserable

Jude 24 also says

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling,

And to present you faultless before the presence of his glory

With exceeding joy.

So How Are We To Face The Uncertainties Of This World?


Know that we are in a fallen world.

And so we should not be surprised at sicknesses or disasters, wars and it’s terrors.  The increasing crime rates and despicable acts of violence shouldn’t alarm us. It’s to be expected.

Understand that God is in control. 

It may seem like things re getting out of hand and even the “good” people are not spared. People might question our faith and even ask, “if your God was alive, why would so and so happen?”. This doesn’t change who God is.

He’s right there. In the good and bad times, also in the beautiful and tragic moments.

Have our eyes fixed on eternity. 

After all is said and done,  our final resting place is with God in eternity. So when we see the troubles of this world, it should deepen our longing for heaven.

Live each day as though it’s the last.

We must go through life appreciating each day for the gift that it is.

Smile often,  laugh out loud, say kind words and be the best kind of person you would love to meet.

Life is a journey and not a destination. And so the best way to live in safety is to be sure our lives are firmly rooted in God.

If you have gotten to this line, I must say a big Congrats.


Do drop me a line in the comments  box.....


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