Branded a Monkey i Shine through....

A WOMAN who was branded a “money” by vicious bullies because of her facial tumour has achieved the best possible revenge over her haters
Marimar Quiora was born with a condition which means she cannot speak, eat or breathe normally and she
was left ashamed as cruel people would hurl abuse at her in the streets.
But despite the tough start in life, the 21-year-old has now got the ultimate revenge over vile bullies as she has become an online sensation with her makeup tutorials on Youtube.
The brave woman said: “I have encountered negative people both on YouTube and out in my daily life.
“People tell me I look like a monkey, that my mouth is wrong and people stare at me, I see them staring.
“When people say negative things to me I either tell them to stop or just ignore them. But if people are staring at me, I stare right back and refuse to look away until they stop."
After coming to terms with the facial tumour called cystic hygroma, she decided to turn traditional beauty standards on their head by creating online make-up tutorials.
Ms Quiora, from California, said: "To me, beauty means to accept yourself for who you are, and to ignore what other people tell you.
"You show your beauty how it is, it doesn't matter if you have a different looking face, accept yourself how you are."
As the Youtube star is unable to speak she uses sign language in her videos to communicate.
According to Ms Quiora, her mother was unaware of her condition until after she was born.
She added that she underwent several procedures over the years to shrink the tumour before she decided to embrace the condition.
The inspirational woman said: "When I was younger I would talk to myself in the mirror. I would tell myself I was beautiful.
"I would encourage myself and list all the things that were good about me and it built my confidence through the years.
"What I like about makeup and beauty is imagining new looks, especially around the eyes, and showing people they're beautiful no matter what."
Ms Quiora has now had more than five million views on YouTube and receives countless messages from people who say she has inspired them to embrace themselves.


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