How to Earn Respect.

You want to be respected, but you’re not sure how this whole thing works. Once you stop focusing on yourself and start thinking about others. How can you help others? How can you inspire change, growth, and innovation? When you think about the people you respect deeply, what do they do differently from the average person? We all want to be respected by our others, but it takes a lot of work to earn it. If you want to be successful, happy, and healthy, learning to earn the respect of others should be an important goal and something you can work to achieve. By learning to give respect, act and think with confidence, and behave in a reliable way, you’ll start earning the respect you deserve in no time. It’s about how you conduct yourself, your attitudes towards others and your actions. There is a popular proverb: “Respect yourself, then you will be respected”. If you wish to earn respect of people, you should respect yourself first for whatever you are. You need to assess yourself and feel good about things that make you a better person. Charity begins at home. Regardless of whether you are a teenager, a student, a new member in your team/company, or someone starting out in the industry, you can be well respected by others if only you first respect yourself. Be sincere. If people sense that you’re speaking from the heart and that you believe and will stand behind your actions, words, and beliefs, you’ll present yourself as a person to be respected. You earn it you don’t beg for it. Learn to cultivate sincerity among your friends, at work, in school, and in all parts of your life. Do what you say you’ll do. No one will respect someone viewed as flaky or unreliable. If you want to be respected, come through on your commitments and promises to the people in your life. Call when you say you’ll call, turn in assignments on time, and stand by your word. If you need to cancel or otherwise change your plans with someone, try not to get in the habit of using white lies or coming up with excuses to get out of it. When you’re among different crowds or categories of people, act the same way you act when you’re alone, or when you’re with other groups, be consistent. Do not have a dual life. Be a good listener. Many people wait to talk in conversations, rather than listening what the other person has to say. This can give off an unpleasantly self-centered vibe. We all have things we want to say, but learning to be a good listener will ultimately make people more interested in what you have to say whenever you open your mouth to talk. If you want to earn the respect of people you talk to, learn to listen actively and cultivate a reputation as a good listener. Then what you say thereafter will also be respected. Ask lots of questions. Even if you’re talking to someone you know well, learn as much as you can by asking questions, follow up questions, and personal questions. People like to feel interesting when they’re listened to. Showing a genuine interest in what other people have to say will earn you respect. Follow up specific questions with deeper questions that show you’re interested. Ask, “What are they like? Show concern. Compliment the work of others. When the actions, ideas, or statements of a friend or colleague stand out to you as being particularly notable, compliment them with brief praise. People like to be complimented. Some people let jealousy fester when someone else meets success. If you want to earn respect, learn to acknowledge greatness and praise it, show it. Be honest in your compliments. Try to compliment actions, deeds, and ideas rather than superficial things like possessions or looks. Saying, for instance, “You’ve got such a great sense of style,” is better than “That’s a nice dress.” choose your words. Control your emotions. Make sure to curb your instant reactions to things that make you highly emotional, whether it is good or bad. Sure, it’s OK to be yourself and show enthusiasm. But always remember that good leaders and well-respected people know the difference between responding and reacting. The latter is not a good habit. Learn how not to over react to issues. Sympathize and empathize with others. Learning the skills of empathy are an important way to respect others and become respected yourself. If you can anticipate someone’s emotional needs, you can be respected as a caring, thoughtful individual, attentive to the needs of people around you. Do not be a snub. You will think its a class but it does not pay. Notice people’s body language. If people are upset or frustrated, they might not always be willing to voice their frustration. If you can learn to notice this, you can adjust your behavior appropriately. Make yourself available for emotional assistance if it’s required, and back off if it isn’t. If your friend has just ended a messy relationship, gauge their emotions. Some people will want to blow off steam by talking about it endlessly and wallowing in the details, in which you might lend a sympathetic ear. Others might want to ignore the matter and go about their business solo. Don’t pester them. There’s no right way to grieve. Keep in touch. Everyone needs a favor in a way, but it’s a sign of respect to keep in touch with your friends, colleagues, and family members, even when you don’t need anything from them. Call or text your friends just to chat. Send them funny links on social media, just to let them know you’re thinking of them. This does not have to be often. Learn to anticipate the needs of others. If you know your roommate or partner or spouse got a terrible day of work ahead of them, clean the house and make dinner, or have cocktails prepared when they get home. This is peculiar to men. Taking a little initiative to make someone’s day a little easier will earn you respect. Be humble. Downplaying your successes and maintaining an even perspective in the world will keep you happy, humble, and will earn respect from people. Let your actions speak for themselves and let people come to their own conclusions about your skills and talents. Don’t trumpet your own horn, let other people trumpet it for you. When people discover who you are it gives more respect than you telling them who you are. You won’t need to play up your abilities if you spend all your time proving that you’re great. Always take responsibility for your actions. Just as you wouldn’t say one thing and do another if you want to earn people’s respect, you’ve got to be consistent in your actions. Try to cultivate the habit of what doing at all is what doing well. Finish what you start. We all screw up sometimes. If you do, own up to it and maintain the respect that you’ve cultivated for yourself. If you can do something by yourself, don’t ask for help. Stop apologizing. People who are constantly saying, “I’m sorry,” all the time without giving it a second thought are usually not the ones that are well respected. There is a time and place for apologies. Sometimes you make mistakes that affect family and friends or colleagues. You can apologize to them. Meanwhile, stop using the word “sorry” a hundred times an hour for every little thing that goes wrong, especially in the workplace. Stop being too nice. Distinguish kindness from always having to do things for people. Trying to make everyone happy won’t get you very far. Being a pushover is highly undesirable if your goal is to be respected. If you’re too nice to everyone all the time, some people might even think you’re not genuine. Respect is earned, not given freely. This is similar to the “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” argument, but more ridiculous. Should you wait for someone to earn your respect before you respect them? Should you assume no one respects you until you have clearly earned their respect? Can you get respect without giving it? Can you give respect and just automatically assume you’ll earn it? If you don’t earn someone’s respect, should you be disrespectful to them? You are responsible for the way you conduct yourself, regardless of whether anyone else is respectful. So please, be respectful. Be confident. Believe in yourself that you can gain respect from others


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