Do i have to walk on Egg shell Around my husband.

Hello Aunty Mola'please help me ask blog readers and you too for advise concerning the situation of my marriage. I think that I feel freer and happier when hubby isn't around. He travels, returns and there's that feeling in me like he should have stayed longer but it wasn't like this in the beginning. My husband and I have been having a really hard time.  We have been married for only three years but I feel like I have to walk on eggshells just to please him. He gets mad if I say I don't want to sleep with him because we had gotten into a small argument earlier and he told me to just shut the f**k up and go to bed , how can I then be in the mood for fun, am I a robot or remote controlled emotions. Now, in this argument we had. I have to say it like it happened so I can get help...... we were watching TV and honestly I told him that I just want to feel loved and appreciated and happy. Like for
instance, he puts his arm around me and it just makes me feel loved... I told him that I would like to see him try to hold my hand instead of me always trying to hold his, we are still young and shouldn't be living like couple who are married for 10 years plus. I sit with my own husband on the same couch, we are watching a tv programme and he cannot just pull me to himself or put his arm around me. It doesn't take mush to make a woman feel appreciated.  and honestly I don't feel loved or appreciated in this marriage.

At night right before we go to bed, I always try to give him a kiss and he has nothing to do with me, it has to always be me trying to do something nice for him. WHY!? I get up at 4:30am in the morning so I can get his 5 year old ready for school and he gets mad because I fall asleep in the evening on the couch when he is still awake watching tv every night. Doesn't he know that I wake up early, and should be tired by 8, 9 pm? When I try to confront him or let us trash issues, it turns into a fight because he is not a good listener so now me i decided to just keep mute and have my peace.

 He has a VERY nasty attitude. I can't go out  without him most times but when we do go out together, he literally throws a complete fit and I cannot even have fun while I am there, he makes me begin to act very careful so as not to offend him. Even though I am still waiting for my own, I take care of his child like she is mine but not a single thank you from him for once, appreciation or anything. Why do I keep trying to show him I love him and never get anything in return? Will we make it through like this?  I tried to explain to him that stress is not good for a woman who wants to get pregnant, that he is too controlling and I need to feel relaxed and happy else it will be difficult to get pregnant and his reply is " You are too negative about everything"

Kindly comment and help this situation also....


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