Dear Parents Check out the Reasons why you kids are falling behind in Class.

  Wherever there is a child struggling to gain his/her ground in school, the odds are there are parents are also struggling to figure out how to find the most effective help for that child.

Nigeria’s No.1 academic solutions providerPREPCLASShas come up with top 6 reasons why it is very important you do all it takes to put your child ahead above peers in this highly competitive system..

1.       Assimilation Rate:A child who is being taught above his/her learning pace will end up missing out on a bulk of important details.

2.       Timid and shy children have a huge tendency of falling behind in class as this will prevent them from participating in engaging class routines such as asking questions when confused.

3.       Learning disorders such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and ADHD.  45% of children are not even properly diagnosed due to negligence from the teacher/parent.

4.       88% of children within ages 5-12 require after class support. Children of this age range require continuous supervision and revision to enable them fully understand previous concepts before proceeding to the next.  

5.       The Fear of a Subject Teacher: Research shows that children who do not like a certain subject teacher perform poorly due to poor interpersonal relationship with the said teacher

6.       Some children have little or no passion for learning.

Have you noticed average, poor or declining results in your child’s academics?

Are you always quiet when other parents discuss their kids great performance?

Are you one of those parent that comes back home sad after attending the price giving ceremony at their child’s school?

You need to quickly get a solution before your child matures and it becomes impossible to fix.

What is the solution?

You have tried so hard to teach him/her yourself but you are frustrated with the outcomes and your 8-6 job is giving you no time to attend to it.

Do you know that there are experienced teachersin every possible area that have worked with children with different academic challenges only for them to become geniuses and gurus after 6 months?

 Have you heard of Prepclass (a teacher recruitment company featured in Forbes, CNN, BellaNaija, Fastcompany and many times here on LIB) they are the easiest solution to your current challenge.

Did you know that they can get you averifiedteacher/tutorwith exceptional teaching skills to come teach your child 3 times a week for the next 6months and your child would attain the greatness he/shedeserves?

Why not give them a call now on01-2913970 or 08059811502and request for a professional tutor.

Guess What? They are even giving all LIB readers a N3,000 discount

All you have to do is to fill out the tutor request form here, indicate LIBCOUPON01in the “ How did you hear about us” segment,they would call you right awayto confirm your request and give you a N3k discount for the first month tuition.

Visit their Lagos headquarters on the 3 rd floor No. 315 Herbert Macaulay Road, Yaba, Lagos (opposite Kfc).

Do not forget to put a call through on01-2913970 or 08059811502


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