Why are people Sick?
" we spend more money on health than ever before. We take more drugs than even before, yet we are sicker than ever before. more people are getting sicker than ever before in history why.
Over the years,the pharmaceutical industry has come up with different theories about why people get sick. First,it was bacterial and germs and then virus and genetics. This is true to some extent but not absolute let's think about this. The majority of illness is self inflicted. Drugs are not the answer. You do not have an headache because you have an aspirin deficiency.The question is why do human beings have so much illness?.
One of the reasons why we get sick is because of the amount and effect of drugs we take.the statistic shows very conclusively that the more prescription and non prescription drugs a person takes,the sicker they are why?all drugs have negative side effect.if you are taking a drug to suppress one symptom,that drug may cause some major problem to start developing in your body............
To be continued...