The Old Man View.
*A 40-year-old man visited his old father who could no longer see very well*.
As both of them sat in front of his house chatting, *a dove flew in and perched on the window*.
The old man asked his son, *"Is that a dove that perched on the window?"*. The son replied, *"Yes dad".*
*After a short while, he asked the son the same question a second time and got the same answer*.
When he asked the same question the third time, his son became angry and rebuked him saying, *"This is why I hate visiting you, you keep repeating questions!"*
The old man was silent for about 10 minutes, and then *he asked the son to go into his bedroom and fetch his old diary.* The son did as he requested. Then he asked him to read page 2 of the diary. The words read:
*"My son is 3 years old today. As we sat in front of the house playing, a dove flew in and perched on the window. My son asked me 30 times if it was a dove. I gladly replied "yes" to each question. I cannot explain in words how happy I am that my son has learned to talk. What a wonderful day to remember!"*
The young man dropped the diary on the ground, then he cried and apologized to his father. *The old man spoke again, "Enough son, one mistake cannot make you less a man, but repeating the same mistake over and over again can kill any man.* I've chosen today to teach you the final lesson before I depart this world. *The lesson for today is Patience. Always be kind and considerate to the less privileged, this is how you'll stand out in eternity*. *Be nice to everyone on your way up, you'll definitely meet them again on your way down!"*
*The person you looked down today may turn out to be the person you need tomorrow.* Lets learn to walk in patience and tolerate each other even in adverse conditions.