Just Like the Rainbow ...

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There's this saying that the moment you can tell your scary story and it doesn't make you cry, you know you have healed!!!!
Yes that's the truth! I got healed long ago though, the children and I can discuss hubby freely now without shedding tears 😭😭 and we laugh 😁😃  over his numerous jokes and lots.
He was (first time am using past tense in over 4yrs for him 😡😲) full of life. Very humble, kind, jovial, a comedian, chei!  His kind of doctor is rare I tell you.
Actually thought I would have this story here before I asked you ladies to celebrate my eldest son's graduation from University sometimes back. I am not seeking for sympathy here rather, I am here to tell those facing one particular challenge or the other that if you set your mind to scale through such life storms, no matter how big, you can do it!
I vividly remember hubby and I started that beautiful Thursday morning of 31st day of May 2012 in a very wonderful one which turned out to be a day I wish I could skip in my life(not anymore though as God gave me another gift that same day after 4yrs). The month of May used to be a month i loved, hubby's birthday is 16th of month, second son is days after his dad then tragedy came end of month and this is a day to my eldest son's 16th  birthday 1st of June.
Please how do i survive this?  Anyway, i am because, i was born a fighter,  a winner and of course a survivor!! 😃🙌👩
As I was saying, typical of my husband he rarely allow me touch anything in the house when it's weekend in any part of the globe we might be together if he's free... The weekend will be for him to pamper his restless  but adorable queen/wife👑👑👑👑👑👑.
We started this day(horrific) as it was a weekend in the country we were based then- Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia without having any clue that death💀👹and his angel(s)👺 were hanging with a bad mission👾 on our corridor!
How I wish we had a clue, we might have asked God to chase them away but we did not know and we did in a way after all, we prayed that morning in our own way but remember, if God ordain something He only needs to say "BE" & if He doesn't want such to happen, He can also drive it away... Kadara Allahu!!! May evil not💀💀👾 be our portions-Amen.
I had my breakfast🍴🍮🍜 in bed after a great love making👙, then another 🎁 round before he dashed to his hospital to review a complicated case. He came home to check on his adorable wife[don't get me wrong here, that's my husband for you even while working in Lautech, Osogbo as a consultant with his accommodation there, he moved from Ibadan daily to see/stay with his family]and came back with my full medical check up results. I have this done twice yearly since I married him and I remember saying jokingly to him that " you can see that your wife is fine and fit, ensure you do yours tomorrow and let's see if you haven't gotten something contagious from your numerous patients not knowing that "That Tomorrow" will never ever come for him but, will only come for me in a different dimension. Oh Life!!!! 😢😂😅!!!!!
We made another round of fantastic sex for the third time that day before we both rushed to the bathroom, then to the kitchen to prepare dinner for our invited guests that were due to come in hours because, I was due to leave KSA the next day for my eldest son's 16th birthday which we both never witnessed!!! Klass😭😭😭. ( Ladies, wondering we made love like that?  I love that thingy no be small, I love it die, to me it was food, drink, cream to rub my body, in fact I assumed my life depended on it as in it has a string attached to my life and I still can't explain how I am coping without it right now though the first five months was crazy... I wan go mad and my Dildo isn't doing the exact job 😁
Our guests  came, we had great meal.🍜.. Two among them even brought things to be deliver to their families. Not long after they left, the land phone rang and hubby is urgently required in the hospital 🏨for same complicated patient that his residents couldn't handle... In fact, the patient's family insisted on seeing the physician in charge to review the case.
Klass!  My dearest husband pleaded with me to accompany him which I was glad to do and the patient was stabilized.
Suddenly like 15mins after we got home, he remembered he needed to to get something for someone, don't forget am due to leave in less than 24hrs back to Nigeria!? Son's birthday, i even wanted to call my boy to wish him happy birthday in advance but my darling busband, Ajani Adeniyi Raji said till we return.
We headed to the mall and a journey of about 35mins turned out to be a journey of NO RETURN FOR my HUMBLE, DEDICATED Ajani Adeniyi Raji while, I had to take that route for 23months, yes, I spent twenty three months in the hospital🏨... Was bed ridden for almost seven months out of this. 🙇🙅.
In order not to go out that night,  as I was busy chatting friends, I tried to dissuade him by telling him that I couldn't go in to get my habaya(women national uniform in most Arabs world irrespective of your nationality! ).
But my very own Adeniyi got it for me and actually dressed me for the night, I looked at myself in the second living room mirror and I was like 'Wow!  NIYI, YOUR QUEEN IS pretty', do you mind taking my pictures? He agreed!  Elated 🙌
Ordinarily, these are stuffs that should have put my husband off and he will call off such outing but for where???  He took my pictures and I told him while getting ready not to be sick as my husband will turn to a sick child anytime  I am not close by, moreso, the only Nigeria couples we had around us that usually attend to him when such happens|wife a Scottish) just relocated back to England after 32yrs also in Saudi and my husband replied
I went on both knees, thanked my Olowo ori, ale nobody, for his undiluted love, affection which was obviously extended to our children, I told him how much I valued him and that he was my world. He in turn prayed for me and he said "Yetunde, o ni sesin... Yetunde, you will never be disgrace! Hmmmm... Big word!!
Never knew we were both embarking on a trip of No Return for him but a long, narrow, lonely, rough but dry journey for me... OLUWA OOO.
I was told we had this accident and he didn't make it while I was in comma for weeks .. Extubated... Right leg with open reduction with internal fixation because, it was badly broken.. Dislocations of shoulders which I was advised not to have any surgery done on because, it might not be successful but I should learn to cope/manage with it as i'm above 40... Left leg completely gone from accident scene... Almost going blind.
Wow!!!  This is not any kind of movie...
Its my story... Scary but God is Good!!
Shortly after I came out of ICU, my husband's cousin... A trained/registered nurse came thousands of miles away to " pack dollars which hubby's ghost had inform them that he stacked somewhere in the apartment without buying anything from less than a pound shop in London for me whether i will need/use such or not.. Her excuse was that, since i was still in comma, she doesnt know what to get.
I thank God I was in the accident In a way, dem for talk say na me pack dollars wey I no smell/see. 😯
Hubby was the ONLY HEAMTOLOGIST in our state in Saudi and the Govt of the country compensated by putting me in their prince(equivalent of a state Governor's )reserved special wing for his family alone as well as footing my hospital bills  throughout my stay and moving me from one hospital to the other. Their Minister of Health came visiting twice while their commissioner of health in the state spent most of his weekend in my room. While I had to fight for my Ambassador before the embassy officials can start visiting- Most people representing us abroad are doing nothing, may we not be in trouble... Anyway, they gave me 5000SR at a particular time, i am grateful... then, you will know and see how far!
Guys, I saw and tasted HELL from every quarters, made suicidal attempt twice but DEATH REJECTED ME.. I was alive yet didn't see or smell my children for over 2yrs because, they were refused visa on each occasion. I am indebted to very few friends that spent their time and catered for them. I am also grateful to those friends that spent my Own Money on my children but failed to add this part to those they are going around telling how they supported me...during this period Hmmm?  Ile aiye?  I thank families that deserted us thinking my life and my children will now be their burden, I remember one told me on that sick bed that she will see how I will take care of those children?  I responded that if God is truly God... And He knows that "my backbone is gone, my health is gone and I do not have legs to run for them, He will step into my affairs and complete all these and lots more. Oluwasemiloore... Oluwalaanumi ni tooto.
O seun to doju adura timi Oluwa.
I met the guy that broke through the red light, shattered my world and put me in this current state, I met the guy that took my husband's life without asking who he was... Without thinking of the effect of the drug he had(the guy i gathrred was on drug & the even wanted the case under carpert because he's top police official younger brother, I fought this and will bring his picture someday),the implications it would have forever in my children's life, they have no father figure again... I tried washing the image of hubby and children playing ball  in the compound, taking turns with their PS games , 🏊 swimming together all sorts daily, mehn, its difficult but am living.
They told me I will never walk again, they made customised shoe for the right implant leg but I rejected it, I refused to even try it for fitting when it was brought, I told them its not mine.
They couldn't even break hubby's death to me, see lies upon lies from people that I love, my sisters... Friends, families, doctors, each time they're praying for me #cantholdthetearsnow, I will tell them to live me and channel those prayers to my husband as he was in more critical condition.. I was a fool! They all knew he was no longer alive. They told me he was isolated and on life support, I asked after his health every time, the moment I could use my right hand, I write daily to him, telling him how I was feeling, asking him to get well for my sake but got tired one day and when my doctors came to my room and asked about what I will tell my husband that day, I told them I am not writing again as it doesn't look as if he's getting or feeling it.. It looked as if I was writing to stone, they exchanged looks but I still didn't get the message, i played a big fool again. Then I demanded to see him and they said I can not as my condition too must be considered, it was at this point that they requested for my permission if the life support machine could be taking off him as he wasn't responding which of course I said big No to.. Fool again, right?
Meanwhile, I had my fourth major surgery coming up in two days time and it was agreed that I will see him after.  Second day after my surgery, people started coming in, strangers.. more strangers, at this stage, I asked what was going on and when they started blah blah blah, I told them not to worry, saying, will he forever be confine to wheelchair? With stroke?  My people, death wasn't on my lists for my King, my friend of 22yrs and companion of almost 18yrs. OohmyGod!!!!
When it was broken, I was just looking like a dead cow, na so instructions started flowing from left, right, middle, and centre.. Giving me all sorts of sedative and I was just there, couldn't cry, couldn't sleep for 72hrs, yes for three days... I just wanted to be with my Niyi, wasn't thinking about the kids.. I was empty, I was naked.. Niyi, told me I would not be disgrace but, he himself disgraced me. What did I do, where do I go?  He was my father, mother, brother, sister, my first child, he was my world. But I am still living after four years...
I am tired ladies... I hope I can write again soon
Admin thanks for your approval and ladies appreciate sparing your valuable time to read.
Shit happens and do not add to the next fellow heavy load.
I deliberately added some pictures for people to know this is not Nollywood as it was initially believed in one TV inspirational program I went for last yesr😁😀😂😃... The director/producer said they would not air Yetunde Morenikeji Ajani Raji story without backup pictures.
Thanks to my friends that supplied all hospital pictures as I, Yetunde Morenikeji Ajani Raji, want to be a Rainbow in someone's dark cloud.


gneral said…
ر forever living

هي شركة متخصصة مقرها ولاية أريزونا ، بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية .
تمتلك هذه الشركة أكبر المزارع، في العالم لزراعة الألوفيرا ( الصبار) والتي يطلق عليها ” نبتة المعجزة” ،حيث خضعت للعديد من البحوث، نظرا لما ثبت عنها في عالم الطب من الفوائد والمزايا العلاجية، والشفائية المذهلة للعديد من الأمراض منذ قرون بعيدة .
بعد ذلك تقوم مصانع الشركة بزراعة النبتة،حيث توفر لها أفضل طرق العناية الزراعية والأساليب العملية، لإنتاج المستحضرات العلاجية والتجميلية الطبيعية بنسبة(100%) من هلام نبتة الصبار السحرية والرائعة دون إدخال أي عنصر كيميائي أو إضافات خلال عملية التصنيع
يعد هذا ميزة فريدة ورائعة لمنتجات الشركة حيث تتميز بالجودة والنقاوة والنوعية والتأثيرات التجميلية والعلاجية المؤكدة.
أما بالنسبة لاتجاه الثقافة الحضارية اليوم فانه يعتمد على العلاجات والمستحضرات التجميلية الطبيعية ،كبديل عن الأدوية الكيميائية بهدف تجنب الآثار السلبية، وحدوث أي عرض جانبي من تلك الأعراض، التي تتركها الكيماويات على جسم الإنسان.
تتربع شركة فوريفر ليفينج على قمة الهرم، في هذا المجال وتأخذ فيه مكانا رفيعا مرموقا، تسبق به جميع نظيراتها من الشركات، مما يجعلها الشركة الرائدة على مستوى العالم، دون وجود أي منافس تحت جميع مقاييس الجودة والتطوير والنمو

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