My Breakthrough with Painful Menstruation.

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I wish there is a better way to help the ladies out there who are suffering from dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain) or regular mentation. I am of course proud to be a woman. But I must open up with one thing made me wish I never came to this world as female 

At the tender age of 12 – 14 years I had my menstruation for a cycle of 5 – 6 days (monthly) and never felt so many pains that awaken neighbors. I was only surprised to see everything suddenly changed about my body system. I was feeding fine and feeding a lot on proteins as that is a norm in my home. I grew more plump but not obsessed, at age 17 my menstruation was becoming irregular unlike before when I could circle days on my calendar and calculate some region of 28days ahead for my next ovulation. My cycle was now taking some funny dimensions. It sometimes runs between the periods of 11 – 12 days monthly. My mum took to the gynecologist and the doctor said I would be fine and that it would regulate itself. 

When this persisted, I had to visit other doctors so I was given pills to induce it. My body was adapting well to the pills but then the worst happened. I began to fell extreme pain whenever I was on. This pain is usually very intense and would sometimes start from my ovulation period and till the circle is complete. It was usually very embarrassing to see me rolling on the floor in my hostel (campus) at first, friends will sympathize with me but the soon got pissed off with my re-occurring drama. There was nothing I did not do to stop this. 
 I engaged in exercises, avoided unnecessary stress but to no avail. 

 I had to undergo a pelvic ultra-sound scan and the doctor got me scared when he told me I was already showing symptoms of endometriosis (fibroids) and this could lead to infertility if not treated quickly. I was given some contra septic pills which were non-steroids anti-inflammatory drugs. This pain only subsided a bit. 

 The breakthrough came to me through a SMS stating that do you know you can finally overcome the worries related to menstruation? Visit this website to find out more about what to do. 

At first I taught it was a scam and some regular bulk SMS I only tried it out of curiosity but indeed it paid off. I never believed through natural remedies exists for dysmenorrhea. 

 If you are a reader out there still suffering from this, I recommend you act fast as some of those contraceptives we take into our body system causes more harm than good. 

 For more information about the natural solution visit


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