The Shift from physical to Emotional.

Most people are attracted to the physical traits initially. The persons height, complexion, smile, stature, people have an initial proclivity to what they can see rather than what they feel. The physical is what grabs our attention for the first few weeks or months of a relationship. But the irony is, with time, we eventually become "blind" to these things. 

You may see your partner everyday, but no longer notice the physical traits that were so attractive or not so attractive. It becomes more than the physical, it becomes more about their attitude, behavior and how they make you feel. You lose yourself in the euphoria of glee, excitement and sense of belonging...a feeling to be in company of the other and to be held. 

As we mature, we find that the looks are no longer enough to be a deciding factor for most relationships, most people may end up getting married to people that are not up to their physical specification, and this will most often than not, only be an "issue" in the beginning because the looks will eventually fade in our minds eye and what's left will be those things you can't see, but can feel.

The wise Maya Angelou once said "People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel." This often applies to very many of us.

Have you ever experienced the shift from physical to emotional attraction? I would love to hear about it in the comments section.


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