How to Attract a Masculine man by highlighting your feminine beauty.

Are we trying to be from Mars?

We’ve all heard the famous phrase, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” right? We know women are so different from men we are basically from different planets. It’s proven science right? So, why are we trying so hard to be like men? How will you attract a masculine man if you act just like him? Oh, so you don’t think you are masculine? Well you may be exhibiting more masculine energy than you think and it is totally repelling men away from you!Learning more about feminine and masculine energy could be the secret to how to attract a masculine man that you want!

My run-in with masculine energy

I have always thought I was very feminine: nurturing, caring and intuitive, many of the feminine traits I had heard about. Good for me right!? Well, when I looked back at a past relationship of mine I realized that somehow my masculine energy was turned up so high it was out of control! I wanted my boyfriend to lead, take charge and be a man! He was being “nice” letting me make all the decisions. But I wanted him to be decisive and take control. This is what I wanted, yet every time I didn’t see him taking charge the way I thought he should, I would step in and lead the way, doing it for him instead of stepping back and allowing him to be the man I wanted him to be. I became a control freak, wanting everything done a certain way but also frustrated that he wasn’t doing anything…which was probably because I was doing it all myself! If I had just stopped “doing” and “controlling” and instead allowed him to take the action that he could, he would have stepped into his masculine energy more naturally.

Men want to take care of us but it is hard for us independent women to allow them to, even when we say that is what we want. We are like, “Come rescue me on that horse…but wait, don’t do it that way and give me my space and let me do things my way and…” We are sabotaging ourselves when we send these mixed messages. We say, “Where are all the great, masculine men?” But the problem is not that there are no masculine men out there. It is that we have so much masculine energy ourselves that we are only repelling men from us. Highlighting our feminine energy is how to attract a masculine man!

Here are some of the masculine and feminine energies. See which energy you exhibit more in your life:



  Rational  Emotional  Assertive  Receptive  Analytical  Intuitive  Competitive  Cooperative  Reasoning  Feeling  Logical  Creative  Lead  Surrender  Give  Receive


You may think you have more of the feminine energies in general, but now think about how you are at work. Women today are rising through the ranks in the corporate world. We want to be equals with men, or better yet, we want to beat them. This is all great in the workforce but not so great in a relationship. We carry this competitive energy over to our relationships and dating life and that can be disastrous.Men may admire a competitive, assertive drive in the corporate world but they don’t want to compete with a woman in a relationship. A balance of feminine and masculine energy is a key element to a healthy relationship. So how will you get to that level with someone if you are acting on a date the way you would in the workplace? This can show itself on a date when a woman is taking too much control over the conversation and asking question after question. This is unattractive because a man doesn’t want to be interviewed on a date. A little give and take will work wonders for this. Receive some questions and talk about yourself a little and ask some questions and LISTEN a little. We don’t always have to be in control; in fact it is quite refreshing to let a man do that for us on a date.


How we can use what we’ve learned

Okay ladies, so what can we take away from all this? See where you are showing up in your life with masculine energy. Think of how you can turn up the volume on some feminine energy instead. In particular, there are some great feminine energies that we can magnify for more success in dating and meeting men. One of those is tobe more receptive than assertive. Men want to chase us. Respond to that in a feminine way by being receptive and approachable instead of dominating and aggressive. Another energy to focus on is surrendering instead of leading. When I say surrender I don’t mean it in a negative way like we are surrendering in a battle or giving up. In the feminine energy sense, surrender means to relax and let go of always having control. It is great to be a leader in the workplace but in dating we can work on letting go and letting the man take the lead. Don’t make all the plans because it sets the tone that you are going to do all the work from here on out. Let him plan the date and enjoy while he takes the lead. Finally,receive, receive, receive! Women tend to do all kinds of giving until we burn ourselves out. Let the man give and you do the receiving! Receive a compliment, receive his offer to pay for dinner, receive and BELIEVE his kind words about you. It is in a man’s nature to take care of us and we can let them even in this modern age. You can still be an independent woman who enjoys being taken care of. It doesn’t mean you don’t support yourself or you need him. It is just the balance of feminine and masculine energy that creates a harmonious connection between a man and a woman.

So ladies go out there and be a powerful feminine women. Because really, turning up the volume on our feminine energy makes us more powerful and allows us to attract the men we want most!


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