Prostitutes Offer Free Sex to Celebrate Youth day..
Prostitutes in South Africa have said they are offering free s*x in celebration of what they called Youth Day.
According to South Africa Latest News, the National Association of Mavuso (NAM), the s*x workers' association, has said they would offer free services nationwide because, “for once, we want a screw that we are happy for”
Speaking with iMansi, the group says it hopes its generous offer will encourage Government officials to take people’s need seriously and improve on it’s service delivery.
“We want to use this privilege to beg the president and his people to look into the welfare of this people.
"We believein the youth and hope we will surely better this harmless struggle,” the NAM told the iMzansi.
A member of the group simply identified as 23-year-old Candy, said the youth should be brave enough to stand up for what they believe in.
“I was forced into prostitution because I could not get a job”, she said. “Today if my regular client comes I will not charge him for a quickie as I celebrate our freedom”
Another prostitute also said many had visited to have a sample of her honey pot wince word got out that they are offering the service for free.